Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Big Data Analytics

Machine Learning Consulting

Providing expert solutions in Web Development and Design Human Activity recognition Sentiment Analysis Microsoft Azure and PowerApps

About TechMistry Consultancy

TechMistry is a trusted stratagic partner for enterprises who need to solve complex problems using state-of-the-art technologies including, computer vision, Natural language processing, big data and machine learning.

With TechMistry, you will be able to solve your complex problems while saving money for your company.


POC Build For ML/Ai/Computer vision Solution

Think you have a great solution in mind and want to build out an initial version? We'll help you prove it out and look at a potential market.

ML/Ai Software Development

Looking to develop custom machine learning software for your business or idea? We develop machine learning software for everything from MVPs to full enterprise products.

Machine Learning Consulting

Building product software systems or SaaS and want to make it smart? We'll help guide you through the ai world and help you avoid any downturns in the project.

Contact Us